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Everything is energy. There is nothing that is not energy.

You are an electromagnectic being. You function with the energy of the sun, the earth, the water and the air. And everything that is energy has a vibration. The energy vibration has a frequency and every frequency has two poles. The negative pole and the positive pole. Human energy is no exception to the rule, we have negative energy and positive energy which can be determined by the Hawkins scale.

Emotions are energy in motion. Emotion is a reaction of the brain to an environmental stimulus. When exposed to some emotion, the brain releases hormones that alter the person's emotional state. This means that physical reactions can occur, such as palpitations, crying, sweating and even unexplained pain and feelings. Feeling is the result of an emotional experience felt by the heart. These feelings and emotions alter your vibration, your energy.

Within the Hawkins vibratory scale we can observe that shame, apathy, guilt, sadness, fear, attachments, anger, pride are energies of low vibration, they create tension in the body creating muscular contraction in all organs. These tensions create blockages in the circulation of energy, of blood, of nutrients which will later create illness.

High vibration, feelings of courage, acceptance, joy, love, peace, enlightenment, consciousness create expansion of the body allowing the perfect flow of energy and blood to all organs of the body making it healthy.

Each person understands reality according to their level of consciousness. Ideas, emotions, actions, intentions correspond to the level of consciousness of each one. Each level of consciousness corresponds to a certain vibration.


1 - Because the best thing in life is to live happily, joyfully and with a heart full of love.

2 - Joy, happiness and love are synonymous with better health and well-being.

3 - When we are happy, joyful and full of love we offer the best of ourselves to others.

4 - Our vibration contributes to raising the vibration of Planet Earth and all Living Beings, namely people, animals and plants.

5 - Because only with a high vibration do we ascend on earth and in heaven.


The level of vibration you attain on earth is the same as the one you take to heaven. This means that the spirit that dwells in your body, that animates your body, that gives expression to your body, in other words, that is incarnated in your body, literally meaning that it is inside the flesh, is You. And you are incarnated here to live through earthly experiences of the evolution of consciousness that raises your vibration so that when you leave the body your spirit is in a higher, higher vibration.

Therefore, the vibration that you have when you "die" here on Earth is the one that you will have on the other side in Heaven.

If your spirit is in Peace when you "die" it will continue in Peace.

If your spirit is Sad when you "die", it will continue to be Sad.

If your spirit is in Love when you 'die' it will remain in Love.

If your spirit is attached when you 'die' it will remain attached.

If your spirit is in Joy when you "die" it will continue in Joy.

This is the Law of Nature. This is the Law of Life.

Nothing is more important than raising your vibration. And the vibration only rises from the heart. From true Love. Because it is Love that brings true Joy. Because it is Love that brings true Peace.

True Love is beyond words, it is simply energy.

You either emanate it or you don't. You either feel it or you do not feel it.


By the Law of Attraction, you attract what you are vibrating.

Once again we are aware that the magnet is in the heart. A Happy Heart attracts Happiness. A Sad Heart attracts unhappiness. Confident Heart attracts Success. An indecisive heart attracts stagnation.


Through the Law of Attraction, the souls that mirror your vibration, your feelings and your thoughts come into your life. On Earth you attract souls in the form of people. In Heaven you attract souls in the form of spirits. Positive Energy of Love attracts Souls of Light. Heavy Negative Energy attracts heavy and dark Souls.


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